Numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations

What does it mean to solve a differential equation numerically? Recall that the solution of an ODE is a function, y(t). A function y(t) is fundamentally a set of points having the form (t,y(t)). When we talk about a numerical solution to an ODE, we mean a large list of (t,y) points where the y in each point is approximately equal to y(t).

To find these solutions, we start by looking at our general form of the ODE:

, initial condition , and is some combination of terms involving the independent variable t and the unknown function y(t).

Numerical solutions of ODE's start with what we know, the initial condition , and use this and the ODE itself to estimate the function at a nearby point. The ODE allows us to compute the derivative of the unknown function at the point because

we use this derivative as the slope to give a direction in which to estimate the next point of the numerical solution . This is done over and over until an approximation to the function is known over the total domain of interest. The result of this process is pairs of points and , k=0,1,2,.... The following figure gives a graphical explanation of the idea behind the numerical solution of ODE's.

Maple Screenshot

We know and and we know the slope of y(t), y' given as y'=F(t,y).
We don't know y(t) for any values of t other than .

We will describe how to obtain approximate solutions to ODE's using a class of methods called Runge-Kutta methods. (There are other numerical techniques for solving ODE's that we will not discuss.) We consider the equation from an initial time up to some later time . We choose a time step , often denoted in mathematics texts as h. The solution is computed at the discrete times for k=0,1,2.... The approximate solution at time will be denoted by . Note that a numerical solution to a differential equation is a table of numbers, each of which gives an approximation to the true solution at each time . This is to be distinguished from the exact analytical solution, which is a continuous function.

The first method we will discuss is called Euler's method, named after a famous mathematician named Euler (pronounced "Oiler"). Euler's method is obtained by approximating the derivative at time with a simple difference. The approximating equation is

Rearranging, this can be rewritten as


is the standard form of the ODE
is the time step
is the initial time
are the discrete times at which the solution is computed for k=0, 1, 2, 3…
is the approximate solution at time

Be sure to work through the examples and exercises to see how to solve ODEs numerically in Maple.